Defense Against the Updated Wall Breaker

In the update the Wall Breakers now target walls that enclose Buildings; this means they ignore and go around free-standing walls. Updated Wall Breakers don't just go to the nearest wall; instead they go to the nearest compartment. Use this to your advantage by channeling them into gaps, where your carefully laid Traps can instantly kill them. This method can also help defend against other Troops, such as Giants. In addition, the more time the Wall Breakers (and other Troops) spend moving and not attacking, the more opportunities your defenses have to kill them.

Wall Layouts in Bases

Base layouts can be divided into two basic commonly used categories: Symmetrical and asymmetrical. Most bases have some amount of symmetry, whether they are partially, bilaterally or quadrilaterally symmetrical; others are bilaterally mirrored. They can be further divided by their basic defensive concept. Here are a few:

  • Single Wall: A single wall surrounding all or most of the buildings. Note: Archer raids work well against single layered walls and very exposed to Wall Breakers. Overall, usually a fairly easy base to destroy.

  • Double Wall: Same as a single wall except it has another layer (separated by at least a single-tile gap) on the outside of it. It prevents Archers from shooting over it and prevents Wall Breakers from penetrating both layers.
          Note: Archers have a three-tile (wall) range.

  • Double- or Multi-Layered Wall: A portion or all of a wall segment with multiple layers. Note: Wall Breakers have splash damage that can break up to triple wall layers as if they were a single layer, so it is recommended not to use them, at least not as part of the outer layer or two where Wall Breakers can typically target them.

  • Inner and Outer Wall: As the name implies, an inner wall protects the most valuable structures, with an outer wall fully or partially enclosing the inner wall and its associated defenses. It is essential to have your Town Hall at the middle of this type of base rather than outside of your base (this differs from people who are "farmers").

  • The Egg-Shell Defense: Multi-layered walls (usually 3 or more layers thick) in the center of the map with most buildings outside the wall and resources (possibly Town Hall) inside the wall. This concept is generally used for farming villages.

  • Compartmentalizing, Enclosing or Section Defense: This manifests in different ways. The basic concept is to have various compartments of one or more buildings. It helps a lot to have multiple compartments inside your base as each must be breached separately, greatly slowing down attackers and making it difficult for Wall Breakers to reach the inner compartments in order to blow up the walls. Two walls together without any space in between isn't a good idea. It may stop archers, but a wall breaker's splash damage will destroy both of the walls.

  • Gaps and spring traps: Leaving a few gaps is OK. You can place spring traps in between them to make troops fly into the air. Leaving too many gaps could result in your base becoming too easy to navigate. A few is good; too many is bad.

It is a good idea to have your outer walls upgraded to at least level 7 to slow down your invading enemies. This is the point at which a single Wall Breaker cannot destroy it, regardless of the Wall Breaker's level.


Amnash Anwar

Amnash Anwar is a long time computer geek and a tech enthusiast.He spends all his valuable time for updating technamyite on a daily basis, and all-around Windows, Android, iPhone and Internet Geek.

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