Farming bases will protect your loot, sounds reasonable right? Well, I’ve been searching a lot to update all the farming bases here to give you good suggestions which bases will really help you protect your loot.
Farming bases will protect your loot, sounds reasonable right? Well, I’ve been searching a lot to update all the farming bases here to give you good suggestions which bases will really help you protect your loot.
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz

What’s A Good Farming Base?

I don’t want to just throw base designs at you, so please let me explain you some things about farming bases before I will show you the layouts first.

A good farming base consists of different aspects but follows on the simple goal – protecting your Gold and (Dark) Elixir in the best possible way.

This sounds great in theory, but when looking at reality have you ever been doing an attack and not getting at least some Storages? Right, the first and most important lesson about farming bases is that they simply can’t protect everything and let you out of the defense without losing any resources – that’s simply not how the game is designed to be

Farming bases will help you protect certain loot (like Dark Elixir) or prevent that the attacker gets all your Storages easily – a good rule of thumb is that if your base consistently protects half of your storages it will work!

Half of it doesn’t sound good? Well, every storage can mean 100k of resources and when you multiply with the number of times you get attacked per day and then take a step back and look at how much every defended storage will help you save up resources you understand the real meaning of a farming base layout 

Farming vs Hybrid Base

I often discuss in the comments with people saying that the bases are bad because they are losing – so I ask what they are losing and it turns out that they mean trophies.

Farming bases are not intended to protect any trophies at all – the only reason why they protect the Town Hall is that inside the Town Hall there’s a noticeable amount of loot that you don’t want to give away for free.

Farming Base Layouts

Now check out the bases I have for you

Farming Base Town Hall 6 (TH6)

If you’re TH6, I recommend you to use this base to protect your resources from attackers. The sections in front of the storages will force troops away from the storages and help you protect some of them
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz

Farming Bases Town Hall 7 (TH7)

This first base here focus on defending your Dark Elixir and therefore has the Gold & Elixir Storage more outside. You will need plenty of Dark Elixir and this base will help you defend it.
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz
If you rather want to defend more, this second base primarily baits with the Town Hall in a semi-exposed location to get the attacker to come from the top and not get the central compartment with the storages.
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz
However, this base still has a weakness for those attackers going primarily after loot!

Farming Bases Town Hall 8 (TH8)

This first base will focus more on protecting your Dark Elixir, but you can also expect it to protect half of your other storages as attackers either come from the top or the bottom of this base
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz
The second base here works great as an allrounder farming base that protects your Dark Elixir and your other resources as well. The entry point on top looks easy to get the Town Hall, a bit with all that defensive power troops will get too weak to even get to the middle area of the base.
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz
Attacking from the side will funnel the troops away, so this base is really nasty to attack

Farming Bases Town Hall 9 (TH9)

This base here will protect your Dark Elixir in the first place and also offers second layer protection for Gold.
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz
When watching the replays you can see very well that this base will keep troops out of the core where your Town Hall & Dark Elixir Storage is located. This works good for Balloons & Hog Rider, but also Bowlers can’t hit it with their second hit.

The other compartments will funnel the troops on the outside ring so you won’t lose that many storages in an attack.

When maxing out TH9, you will probably come to a point where you have everything maxed but you’re still busy upgrading your royals and need tons of Dark Elixir for that – this base will help you out as it has one of the toughest Dark Elixir protection possible at Town Hall 9.
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz
Attacking troops will get funneled to the outside and away from your Dark Elixir that is also protected by your defending heroes. The bottom side has an additional security feature with the tesla farm in front of the Town Hall.

Farming Bases Town Hall 10 (TH10)

This base makes funneling for the attacker quite difficult and your defenses will do the rest

Enough attackers will simply fail to build a solid funnel and watch their troops walk around the core of the base without touching the core area.
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz
Looking for a base that protects your Dark Elixir & other resources? This base works great  The Air Sweeper keep the core area clean from Balloons and it will be hard for an attacker to funnel in cleaning troops for that area. You should check out the replays I have linked below the base layout to see how well this base design is working.
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz

Farming Bases Town Hall 11 (TH11)

This base here will help you protect your resources due to two reasons – the Dark Elixir is protected in the core that lots of attacks will not go into due to bad funneling and the storages are spread around the outside ring so it’s not likely that the attacker will get through the whole ring within the 3 minutes available.
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz
This base has multiple pitfalls the attacker can fall for. The outside perimeter is not very easy to come by with a Queen Charge and just getting the walls open will not always mean she will go into the compartment. This can mess up the funnel building against this TH11 farming base.
Farming Base Layouts with Loot Protection | TEC Clashzz
All around the base, the point defense damage is keeping the pressure high and exploits any moment of bad concentration of the attacker


Amnash Anwar

Amnash Anwar is a long time computer geek and a tech enthusiast.He spends all his valuable time for updating technamyite on a daily basis, and all-around Windows, Android, iPhone and Internet Geek.

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