Supercell just released another fair play announcement and as we know this always happens prior to a big ban wave. This one is a little confusing, because it also targets people without 3rd party tools and could end with a ban for your clan from Clan Wars, even if you didn’t do something wrong.

Clan War Ban Wave Incoming December 2016

Let’s start off with the original statement from Supercell they just released a couple hours ago:
Supercell will continue banning accounts that utilize 3rd party software (bots/mods). However, we don’t believe that’s enough to prevent all Clan War exploits. 
Any Clan attempting exploits will be barred from Clan Wars for 14 days. Clan War Suspensions are non-negotiable and apply to the entire Clan!To avoid permanent ban and/or Clan War Suspension, please remove all related 3rd party software from your devices, and make sure your Clan Mates do the same. If your current Clan attempts exploits, try joining a different one. By offering this warning, we hope to give all players a chance to enjoy our games the Fair way.
 Yes, you read it right that there will be bans from Clan War only to people being in a clan along with people using exploits, even if you don’t use them yourself.

First of all, only the clan will get banned from Clan War for 14 days – you will NOT get a ban on your account, unless you’ve been using a 3rd party exploit or mod.

Still, this is a huge deal as it requires each clan to keep clean and watch out what other clan members are doing.

My Personal Opinion

You all know that I appreciate the effort Supercell is doing to make the game free of exploits and mods, but I personally think this step is taking it a little too far.

It might start creating an environment of mistrusting other clan members – something I absolutely do not appreciate.

I don’t think that anybody will really appreciate having to check other clan members all the time for indication of cheating.

Especially the clan leaders will now have to invest even more time to keep a Clan War up and maintain a clan.

How To Detect A Cheating Member

Supercell clearly addresses the “burner” exploits. After the first ban waves, the cheating players start using fresh (low level) accounts to mod, so their main accounts won’t get banned, but they still get all the information on the enemy base, like trap positions and practicing attacks.

I think the main thing you need to check, especially if you join a new clan, if there are any TH3/TH4 accounts in Clan War – especially when the Clan is like TH9+ only.

This is strong indication that somebody is using a burner account to mod.

FAQ On Clash of Clans Exploits

Of course, now there are a lot of questions out there, what exploits are and what not, so here’s what you can do.

Using .5 Bases, Engineered Bases or Defenseless Bases

This is a special upgrade strategy that is not exploiting the game – even it helps the owner get an easier clan matchup it’s not an exploit that will result in a ban for the player doing it or a Clan War ban on the whole clan.

Is Spying An Exploit?

Spying is, even if some might not agree, a part of war. Sending over a spy to an opponent clan is not an exploit that will result in a ban for the player doing it or a Clan War ban on the whole clan.

Scouting Attacks With Low Accounts

Using lower Town Hall accounts to make a scouting attack to check for outside traps, Clan Castle troops or Hidden Teslas is not an exploit that will result in a ban for the player doing it or a Clan War ban on the whole clan.

Attention! If this lower Town Hall account is using a mod to get the whole base layout (e.g. only a few Barbarians are deployed in the corner etc.) and the results are used in a mod tool, that’s an exploit and will result in an account ban for the owner and a Clan War ban of 14 days to the whole clan if reported.

Farming Wars

FWA, Orange League or other farming war communities are not an exploit that will result in a ban for the player doing it or a Clan War ban on the whole clan.

These clans simply organize themselves to get matched up against each other and then make a cheap war for loot – it’s similar an arranged war (not a friendly war), but the purpose is different.

Using Bluestacks or Having Multiple Accounts

Using Bluestacks to play Clash of Clans on your Max or PC is not an exploit that will result in a ban for the player doing it or a Clan War ban on the whole clan, as long as you don’t use any 3rd party mods in Bluestacks!


I really hope this does not turn into a disaster. At least Supercell offers the option to join another clan in the worst-case when some of your clan mates didn’t play by the rules – the Clan War ban will be on the clan, not on the player account.

In general, I’m not a big fan of building a community that has to watch each other or get penalized otherwise. Bottom line, this is maybe the only way Supercell can address the problem with the burner accounts.

If you have questions if something is ok or not, please drop them in the comments. I will try to answer and add them to the above FAQ.
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Amnash Anwar

Amnash Anwar is a long time computer geek and a tech enthusiast.He spends all his valuable time for updating technamyite on a daily basis, and all-around Windows, Android, iPhone and Internet Geek.

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