The expression “meta” has been thrown around a lot lately.  After I had some weird conversations about the meta, which turned out to be a big misunderstanding about what “meta” actually is and means, I decided to put together this article.

As always, I will also update this article with the latest meta. :) 

What Does META mean?

I assume many of you heard about “the meta” before and some still don’t know exactly what it is.

It’s an expression that came over from Clash Royale to Clash of Clans and is used lot more over there – META is simply the short for Most Effective Tactic Available. That’s it.

But what does it mean specifically?

Well, if you take a look back you will see different periods in the game – here are some examples:

  • Beginning of 2015 was all about air attacks (LaLoon), until the Air Sweeper arrived.
  • The comeback of heavy Golem attacks (especially GoWiWi), until the Eagle Artillery was released.
  • Mass attacks (Bowlers & Miners) mid of 2016 & the rise of island bases.

You see that the most popular tactics are only popular for a short time.  Just until something happens that stops their brutal popularity – this often times begins the rise of a new meta. A new defending and attacking strategy that will take over.

Is The Meta Good or Bad?

The meta itself is nothing good or bad – it’s simply a tactic that works best with the current balancing factors. A very popular technique only becomes popular because it works the best.

Remember when everybody was mad about the mass Miner attacks back in the summer of 2016? Although everyone still used them because it would be silly to use something less effective.

The meta is therefore just something that you need to be aware of!

If you know what the meta is right now, you will not only use the best tactic for yourself, you will also be able to counter it.

That’s why it’s so important to know and understand the meta – you can call it adapting. A huge part of the community are like sheep that simply follow their favorite Youtuber and use exactly the same strategies.

They don’t use anything else; they can not adapt at all if something is working.

Again, I’m not saying the meta is bad – only those using it brainlessly are bad.

The Current Meta in Clash of Clans

Before I start an endless discussion in the comment section, please note that the meta is THE most used tactic – that doesn’t mean that other tactics are not useful.

I will update the section below every month to fit the current meta. Please feel free to come back here and check it out.

Please note that I don’t have them ordered by Town Hall – the meta is something more end-game related, so it focuses on TH10/TH11 primarily.

Meta for December 2015

Regular Multiplay Attacks:
Bowlers with pre-executed Queen Walk / Bowler Walk
Farming:Goblin KnifeClan War Attacks: Baby Dragon Funnel with Hogs and/or Bowlers

 Countering the meta

In many games you don’t have two different aspects as you have in Clash of Clans, attacking and defending. Normally, you have to decide whether you will go with the meta or go against the meta.

In Clash of Clans, you can go with the meta (attacking) and also counter the meta (defending). That works perfectly because you’re able to use the advantages that the majority of people use, while you can also be the exception that uses their weakness while defending.

Now I’d like to show you how I adapt to a new meta shift.

It takes some time, but meta changes only a little bit month to month. Generally, the meta is usually active for at least 6 months.

The steps are the same all the time:

1) Get a base

Get an online base or build one yourself. Always keep in mind, do not use one that has very few empty spaces in between the compartments! You will need space to customize and optimize!

Here are some channels I highly recommend:

Be sure to have enough spaces like this in the base:
We need that space to make a nice trap setup for meta attackers.

2) Analysis Time

Now it’s time for some data crunching.

You will need to find out what your base has to defend against, so you will need to start taking notes for about 1 week (at least).

Take note what kind of army attacks your base, where the attack begins and the results.

Once complete you will be able to go through the past 20-30 attacks in your defense log like this:
In my case, I know that I will need to defend a majority of the time against Bowler attacks.

Now it’s time to look deeper into all my defenses against Bowler attacks specifically. All I need to know is where did the attack start – north, south, west, east or 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, etc.

Note that down for each!

You will begin to see a pattern emerge showing where most of the attacks against your base are starting.

3) Just sprinkle that area with traps

The easiest solution is to put most of your traps where most attacks come from. Every defensive win makes up for 5-6 defensive losses (trophy wise), so you don’t have to win a majority of the time to be on the positive side.
This works great for me and has resulted in a roughly 15% win rate on defense in Titan League.

Every once in a while an attacker will attack from the side with all of the traps and I will win. In the other cases, I would lose anyway with just some of the traps at that side (you can’t really WIN against the META).
Attention! Please don’t expect immediate results. This takes weeks to optimize, so don’t stop just because it doesn’t work right away.


In this article I have shown you what the meta is and how you can work with and counter it. I know this technique is nothing new, but I think some of you will find it helpful. :)

If you have any addition techniques you use to counter the meta, please drop a comment below.


Amnash Anwar

Amnash Anwar is a long time computer geek and a tech enthusiast.He spends all his valuable time for updating technamyite on a daily basis, and all-around Windows, Android, iPhone and Internet Geek.

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