Reaching Titan League is something that every Clash of Clans player will go for sooner or later. Especially if you’re a maxed TH10 or solid TH11, you will want to go there to find bases you can raid with proper loot and also some decent League Bonus.

If you’re a TH9 with a lot of ambitions, you can reach Titan League with some dedication – here are some things that will help you pushing the long path through Champions League.

Why Titan League Is For Clashers

First of all, I want to clear off a big myth about Titan League that seems to be running around.

Many understand that pushing to Champions League is vital to get the tons of extra gems from the achievement – for many F2P players the only way to afford the 5th Builder.

Now, Titan league isn’t offering this bonus (yet), so many think it’s not important – maybe even a waste – to reach Titan League unless you’re a pusher.

This is a mistake! Pushing to Titan League is important for every Clasher!

Yes, it’s not just something people do to show off.

Titan league offers a bigger loot bonus and will make you get more loot from attacks. I personally farm in Titan league with a nice profit, even with at least one upgrading Hero.

This leads me to the next point – when I was back in Champions League, I constantly saw attacks from Titan league players with up to 600 trophies more than my own count.

The opponents won’t be stronger, the bases are not harder – that’s what I can tell you.

 That’s a defense log, I found from a couple months back when I was in Champions 1/2 League – I had roughly 70% of all attacks being from mid-4000 trophy players.

Another great thing is that the Village Guard will not be 1 hour, like in Champions League – you will get 2 hours of Village Guard. That is great for a boosted session or also protects your village one more full hour.

You see, that reaching Titan League offers no disadvantage, but offers more League Bonus.

The only challenge is, that pushing to Titan League can take some time and dedication – so I have  some great things that will help you with that.

In fact, there is an easy tactic to reach Titan League by doing only a few attacks daily.

Reaching Titan League Faster

I know that many Clashers out there think that the number of attacks per day are the only thing that will help with reaching Titan League faster.

In fact, you will need to attack frequently every day, but you can also break for one day if you’re not able to do the attacks.

Let’s say every defense you will lose between 5-10 trophies when you are in Champions League – so that’s what you need to make up.

To push forward you will need to make 2 attacks in between every shield that runs out.

That’s about 4 attacks per day. Not that much in my opinion. :) simple smile

But there are also other things that will help you pushing even faster than that.

Attacking Properly

I always see people trying to make fancy moves in Champions League. However, this is neither the place nor the time to do that. Champions League has become a fairly easy league and you can cross it easily.

Many Clashers there take their layout from the internet, so you will come across similar base layouts all the time – especially the ring bases.

My simple tactic is picking this kind of layout and go for it – you will find plenty of them and you will always win once you find out how to beat it.

Learn how to play against those bases and you’re good to go. You can make only four attacks per day and will see a constant rise in Trophies

And please – don’t try new attacking styles when you’re serious pushing to Titan League. That’s what Friendly Challenges are perfect for.

Important! Every lost attack will cost you 5-6 times what you get for winning the attack! This means you will lose a lot of progress when you don’t win – if you attack be sure you can win.

What Attacking Composition?

First of all, you can use the one that is working in Master League or Clan War for you – the opponents won’t get that much stronger up there!

The most important thing is that you will need to feel comfortable with it and have some experience. When you have played 100 attacks with a certain attacking composition you’re so good at it that you won’t lose an attack.

Mind that you will get matched primarily against similar Town Hall level, and there are also plenty of TH9 up in Champions & Legend League.

In case you don’t have one, I can recommend you several compositions that work:
own Hall 9 Player:
  • Baby Dragon Pushing
  • GoWiGi Pushing
  • Upgrading Heroes? No problem, try this strategy with Giants & Valkyries
  • LavaLoon if you’re more into air attacks (works great right now)
  • Bowler / Healer combinations

Defensive Extra Boost

In the upper section I told you that you will lose a lot of trophies when you attack and don’t score at least 1 Star – well, as annoying as this can be when you’re the attacker there is always a different perspective.

If you’re the defender, you’ll be happy about the extra trophies that will be worth a full day of attacks.

The important thing now is – how can we get a couple of successful defenses?

Here are 3 steps that will help you improve your defensive performance:
  1. Solid Anti 2-Star layout
  2. Improve your layout individually
  3. Get some extra trophies
I want to get deeper into each of these points.

First of all, getting a solid Anti 2-Star base is important. I know a lot of you get their base layouts from the internet and on many sites, there is no difference between pushing and war base layouts.

In fact, the difference is extremely huge! Only because both try to protect stars doesn’t mean that a war base is working for trophy pushing and vice versa!

A War Base is anti 3-Star – protects the last Star, but makes it quite easy to get the Town Hall.A Trophy Base is anti 2-Star and protects the Town Hall in the best way possible.

This difference is extremely important – with a anti 3-Star war base you will see only a few (if ever) 3 Star attacks against your base, but the offset Town Hall will make a successful defense impossible.

Always remember, a successful defense makes up for 4-5 lost defenses!

Of course, you will lose most of your defenses, but every won defense will push your progress a lot.

So, don’t take a base like this for trophy pushing:
Rather take a base like this:
These are only examples to show you the difference between trophy and war base layouts.

Here are some trophy bases you can use ( I update them frequently):

Get Extra Defenses

If you took your current base from the internet, you will need to perform certain steps before you set it active – changing traps, checking and correcting weaknesses, etc. I wrapped this up here in this post that I highly recommend to everybody using bases that are public:

The next step is that we will try to trap our opponents.

There is a technique how you can place your traps in a certain spot that will make an attack fail when an attacker attacks this location.

Read the full guide here:

This technique brings me roughly 1 defensive win every 4 attacks!

Stay motivated

Now here comes the hardest part – staying motivated. Please be aware that going to Titan League is nothing you will achieve within one afternoon and you’ll probably have some moments where you simply lose your focus and just want to drop trophies again.

Take a rest if you need to – not attacking is better than losing a whole attack.

Also, check out my post on keep being motivated in Clash of Clans – maybe it helps :) simple smile


Amnash Anwar

Amnash Anwar is a long time computer geek and a tech enthusiast.He spends all his valuable time for updating technamyite on a daily basis, and all-around Windows, Android, iPhone and Internet Geek.

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