Have you ever noticed the cool down for your Daily Star Bonus or Versus Battle Reward Loot Cap is very low after completing the last victory/getting the last needed Star? I thought it might be helpful to give some more details about how this cool down works. Also, how you can use it to save up if your Storages are filled in your Builder Base or a 2x/4x Star Bonus Event is incoming.

Daily Star Bonus Cool Down in Clash of Clans

The word “daily” already says the cool down of the Star Bonus is 24 hours.
It resets when you collect the Star Bonus reward, not when you got the 5th Star to complete it.

Now, the interesting thing you might have recognized on your own is that sometimes you will get a new Star Bonus immediately after completing one. The reason is that if it takes you more than 24 hours to finish the next Star Bonus after you have collected it, it will stack the new one on top of the currently running Star Bonus.

Let’s say I collect my Daily Star Bonus on Monday 8am, but I do not do any attacks on Tuesday – in this case I will be able to complete 2 Daily Star Bonus on Wednesday (after 8am).

This means you can save up your Daily Star Bonus if you want to or also finish one that you missed because you haven’t been able to attack enough in one day.
This also comes in handy when you see that a 2x or 4x Star Bonus Event is coming up. Simply don’t use your Daily Star Bonus the day before it starts and you will have an extra Star Bonus during the event – especially with the 4x Star Bonus Event, this is very nice.

There is no need to not collect your Star Bonus:
  1. This will just extend the time until you get a new reset
  2. Star Bonus gets delivered to your Treasury (and only 3% of your Treasury can get taken in a raid)

Versus Battles Reward Cap Cool Down

The Versus Battle Reward is the only way you can earn resources in your Builder Base (except what your Mine & Collector will produce) and it’s also limited.

The cool down of the Versus Battle Rewards is 22 hours and the reset is similar to the Daily Star Bonus.

It will start the 22 hour cool down as soon as you have reached the 3rd victory and earned the reward for it. However, it will also roll over to the next day, if it takes you more than 22 hours to get your 3 victories.
I was just finishing up the 3rd victory and saw a cool down of less than 4 hours – that’s because I had not been using my attacks earlier. The cool down is not reset when you earn the first victory, it’s reset when you collect the 3rd one of the previous cycle and then runs in the background.

This way, they can stack up and if you haven’t unlocked your 3 victories within that 22 hours, it will restart and then you can have 6 Victory Rewards! However, stacking up more than two cycles is not possible.

This is important for you to know. If your Storage capacity is not big enough to store the reward from another Victory Reward, you can just let it be and wait until you have spent enough to store it and don’t waste any reward (as long as that won’t take you longer than the two cycles of 44 hours in total!)

Versus Battle Reward Reset With Gems

You can also use Gems to reset the countdown if you have already unlocked your three victories in the current cycle.
This will NOT give you 3 additional victory rewards in your cycle, it will simply skip forward in the cycle and end the cool down starting a new 22 hour cycle (that’s also why the costs in Gems gets lower the less time is left on your cool down)

I don’t recommend using Gems for the reset, because it’s quite expensive – however, it’s cheaper than using the Gems to buy the Gold or Elixir directly for an upgrade.


I know it’s not rocket science here, but I get many frequent questions about how the cool down works and if it’s possible to save them up. You can do that with up to two full rewards in Daily Star Bonus and Versus Battle Rewards as well 

Amnash Anwar

Amnash Anwar is a long time computer geek and a tech enthusiast.He spends all his valuable time for updating technamyite on a daily basis, and all-around Windows, Android, iPhone and Internet Geek.

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