In Versus Battles, there is no single base that will hold up against any attacker, every base has a weakness against a certain attacking strategy...
Ultimate Guide to 3-Star in Versus Battle | TEC Clashzz
DO you have one or two strategies in Versus Battles that you use all the time and you feel that you’re stuck at a certain trophy range? Do you ask yourself how some people get up to 5,000 trophies and more? The key to achieve this is that these people have mastered to use the perfect troop composition depending on the base they are matched up against instead of relying on only a few strategies.

In Versus Battles, there is no single base that will hold up against any attacker, every base has a weakness against a certain attacking strategy and that’s what I want to show you in this guide here – how you select the optimal attacking composition against any base.

The Key to 3-Star & High Percentage 2-Star Attacks

Like mentioned in the beginning, every base has a weakness and even against maxed out Builder Hall 6 bases you can score a high percentage 2-Star attack when you’re able to use the right strategy.

I know many people out there have their two primary attacking strategies like Baby Dragons, mass Night Witches or Archers they use all the time and I bet that you also use this approach and leave a lot of victories on the table because of that.

A victory is only possible when you get a very solid 2-Star attack and often times you find yourself in the situation that you have some layouts that you can’t get that result. Here’s a quick example – when using Baby Dragons you’re not very good at attacking diamond bases.

This is just one of countless examples to show you that this strategy with your primary attacking composition fails at the point where you have certain bases you can’t score a high 2-Star attack and have to hope that your opponent will fail to attack your base properly – a successful Versus Battle Clasher always relies on scoring high in his own attacks instead of hoping that the opponent is worst than himself!

Versus Battle Attacking Plan

The goal to achieve this is always the same, you will need to plan your attack in a way that will clear off the path towards the Builder Hall so you’re able to get the Builder Hall down plus score enough percentage points (what will be met in 90%+ of all times when you’re able to get the Builder Hall).

Your main objective to do this is often times to clear off the path to the Builder Hall with your troops and let your Battle Machine with some support go for the Builder Hall, so here’s what you have to check while scouting the base and planning your attack.

You will need to know which defenses can be a real threat to the potential troops you will use – or the other way around, which troops can clear me the way to the Builder Hall.

There’s always a way to exploit the setup of defenses and all you need to do is to know how to. For this purpose, I created you the following overview which setups are good for each attacking composition that will help you choose the right troop composition (plus I also have additional in-depth guides for each attacking composition that will help you).

Choose The Right Side

The following overview only works when you choose your path to the Builder Hall the right way, this means you will select the side and check the path to the Builder Hall for certain setups (shown below) to see which strategy will be working best.

Often times a base will only give you 2-3 options.

The Best Attacking Composition For Versus Battles

Here I have you different elements that will let you choose the right strategy to use, primarily it’s certain defenses in the path to the Builder Hall that will tell you which strategy will work and which one won’t.
Please mind! Of course you can get a high 1-Star attack despite my tips here, but they are for high 2-Star attack and potential 3-Star attempts 

Baby Dragons

Baby Dragons can clear a path to the Builder Hall effectively, but there are some things that you have to make sure:
  • You will need to clear the Crusher, a full hitpoint Crusher before the Builder Hall will make your Battle Machine fail in almost any cases.
  • Air Bombs located in the path you want to clean will cost you many Baby Dragons and you can easily fail to clear the Crusher or other buildings for your Battle Machine
  • Many Archer Towers (Fast Mode) and high-level Firecrackers will take down your Baby Dragons very easily
If one of these applies, you might want to choose another attacking composition!
no-Baby Dragons

If none of these apply to the base you’re going to attack, you’re good to go to use Baby Dragons.


Minions can be used more surgically compared to Baby Dragons, but there are also several setups that just won’t let Beta Minions clear the path to the Builder Hall:
  • Mixed layouts with high hitpoint buildings that are all in range of your Minions will force you to invest a lot more Minions because only their long range shots at the beginning are effective
  • Centralized Roaster will take them out fast, especially groups of them
  • Long Range Archer Towers that you can’t take out soon
If one of these applies, you might want to choose another attacking composition!

If none of these apply to the base you’re going to attack, you’re good to go to use Beta Minions.

Night Witches

Night Witches are often referred to as an inconsistent strategy, but in fact, you only need to know when to use them. Here are deal-breakers for Night Witches:
  • You will need to be able to take out the Multi Mortar soon when your tanking units (Battle Machine or Giants) will go down before they can take down the Multi Mortar your attack is doomed
  • Centralized Roaster will neutralize the Bats very efficiently so make sure that you can either prevent it or take it down together with the Multi Mortar early in the attack
  • Tanks will get down fast. This often happens with Double Cannons, Cannons, and Crusher located in the area where you will need the Battle Machine or Giants to tank – forget that, they will die too fast!
If one of these applies, you might want to choose another attacking composition!
no-Night Witches

If none of these apply to the base you’re going to attack, you’re good to go to use Night Witches.


Archers can take out structures layer by layer and with their Cloak ability, they can do it without having to fear damage. The only thing that will make them fail (besides bad deployment from the attacker) are certain setups):
  • Don’t use them in boxed layouts, when they have to pass a broken wall to reach a large part of the buildings, they will fail
  • No chance to get the Crusher out of the path
  • You should get at least 40% with your Archers to get a 2-Star attack, so don’t try it on bases where walls protect most of the base buildings
If one of these applies, you might want to choose another attacking composition!

If none of these apply to the base you’re going to attack, you’re good to go to use Archers.

Barbarians & Bomber

Barbarians and Bombers are very effective because walls are not something you have to mind that much and you can funnel your troops more like you desire instead of working them along the wall structure of the base you’re about to attack. Still, there are several things that will make them fail big time:
  • Crushers in between the path to the Builder Hall are something you can’t prevent your Barbarians to run into – dooming them to an instant death and making your attack fail. If they are on one side of the Builder Hall, you can come in from the other one
  • Multi Mortar & Roaster tanking! If they are located in centralized positions that take a while for you to reach, they will melt down your Barbarians fast and easily

If one of these applies, you might want to choose another attacking composition!


As you can see this will help you to attack any base and EVERY base out there can be beaten with a high percentage 2-Star attack. If you got some more examples and deal-breakers for certain strategies, please let me know in the comments.

Amnash Anwar

Amnash Anwar is a long time computer geek and a tech enthusiast.He spends all his valuable time for updating technamyite on a daily basis, and all-around Windows, Android, iPhone and Internet Geek.

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