Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz | Clan War Anti 3-Star Base Layouts | War Bases Town Hall 7 (TH7) | War Bases Town Hall 8 (TH8) | War Bases for Town Hall 9 (TH9) | War Bases Town Hall 10 (TH10) | War Bases Town Hall 11 (TH11) |
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
The offense can win games, but defense wins championships – or in our case, Clan War Base Designs win Clan Wars. Most of you may focus on getting as many stars as possible, but did you realize that you also could have won your last war if your opponent got a few stars less than they actually got? Sure there is no base that can prevent a 3-Star against a million tries, but the more your opponents have to try to 3-Star your base, the fewer attacks they have left to collect stars in Clan War.

Protecting your base’s stars with a Clan War Base Design that rocks are just as important as successfully squeezing out as many stars out of your opponent as possible.

How Clan War Bases Work

Often times people think that Trophy Bases and War Bases are the same – both are intended to prevent that you lose stars, but that’s a huge mistake!
Trophy Bases try to get the attacker on the wrong foot and use the momentum of surprise with the short scouting time & maybe not optional troop setups plus the surprise of defending Clan Castle troops to make the attacker fail.

War Bases, however, can’t do that because after the first attack every attacker knows several trap locations and what troops will leave your Clan Castle. Also, your opponent can scout your base for hours and even see the exact defending radius by selecting the building.
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
You see that this makes a huge difference and the approach to Clan War is a different one. You don’t want to prevent the 1-Star or 2-Star, you want to prevent the 3-Star because those 3-Stars will win the war!

This is the idea behind a good War Base and you will give away your Town Hall quite cheap but design the core of your base in a way that will either take down all attacking troops or make the attacker run out of time!

Clan War Anti 3-Star Base Layouts

Now I have been putting together the best Clan War Bases here (and update them frequently like once every month).

War Bases Town Hall 7 (TH7)

This first base for Town Hall 7 for Clan War will work great against the two main attacks your base has to defend against – Dragons and Giants.
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
This base uses the large spaces between the buildings in the outside compartments to cloak your traps very well in the path of attacking ground troops. The Air Defenses are arranged in the sections that are impossible to be reached with Dragons right away, they will spread to the up and bottom side of the base while getting shot at by the Air Defenses.

Are you sick of seeing your base getting wrecked by Dragon attacks? This second base is your solution because it’s impossible to destroy it with a mass Dragon attack.
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
The general layout will drag the Dragons to the left and right while being in the range of the Air Defenses all the time – this will make them go down extremely fast. The Storages also keep them busy for a while with their loads of hitpoints – a good stronghold for your next Clan War

War Bases Town Hall 8 (TH8)

This first base layout here will serve you well with the dead zones in between the compartments and extremely solid trap placement.

The corner compartments serve as bulkheads with the Storages to hold back troops and keep them in the damage radius of the other defenses.
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
The Hidden Tesla Farm around the Town hall will block any kind of cheap suicide run for the Town Hall and force the attacker to invest more troops than he would like to invest.

This second base holds up great against Dragon or Balloon setups with the Storages in between slowing air troops down while the Air Defenses do their job taking them down
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
This TH8 War Base design is great if your base gets taken down by airborne troops frequently.

War Bases for Town Hall 9 (TH9)

This first base here protects the defending Queen very well and makes it extremely hard to take her out with a Queen Charge.
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
In the defensive replays I linked above you’ll see several cases where even TH10 or TH11 attackers couldn’t beat this base with Dragons or Valk

This second base is a great all-around holding up against Hog Rider, Witches, Valkyrie & of course, LavaLoon combinations with the resource bank at the bottom in front of the defending Archer Queen.
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
Pulling the Clan Castle is almost impossible and just a few Hogs will not do this because the outline defenses will take them down easily and the attacker has either to waste more troops or make a new attacking plan in a short time (that will very likely fail).

War Bases Town Hall 10 (TH10)

Let’s start with a very solid Anti 3-Star layout – it will force the attacker with Queen Charge to attack from the top due to the unreachable Inferno Tower in Single Mode at the bottom – the Seeking Air Mines will make that Queen Charge a short one and in case the attacker uses Bowlers he will fail at the middle of the base unable to get 3 stars.
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
If your base often gets attacked by Queen Charge & Bowler or Hog Rider attacks, this base is probably your best choice 

This second base here works great against Valkyries but also other attacking compositions with Golems. The general layout of the compartments will split up the troops and take them down merciless one by one before they can even reach the middle.
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
Also, the CC is extremely hard to lure and the defending Queen is so deep inside the base that any suicide attack will fail to take her down early in the raid.

War Bases Town Hall 11 (TH11)

This first base hold damage on all kind of attacks that use Healers (and there’s none working that doesn’t) high and the Air Defenses are in very uncomfortable spots for the attacker – so there’s a high chance that the Queen Charge will fail and make the whole raid not get 3-Stars.
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
The defending Heroes along with the Clan Castle are deep inside the base, so there’s no easy way to avoid running with the whole army into them.

This second base makes it hard for the attacker to build a proper funnel into the center of the base.
Clan War Base Design for Winner | TEC Clashzz
Even when the funnel is created, the base will still split up troops and this is the part where it gets very bad for the attacking troops due to the high damage a Town Hall 11 base offers.

Please comment below, If you have any suggestions.

Amnash Anwar

Amnash Anwar is a long time computer geek and a tech enthusiast.He spends all his valuable time for updating technamyite on a daily basis, and all-around Windows, Android, iPhone and Internet Geek.

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