When we received the Clan Wars update for Clash of Clans everyone was happy for a short time until we all realized that this means changing our layout back and forth every one or two days. Most of us find a compromise in having a kind of hybrid base layout and putting the Town Hall in and out before the Battle Day in the Clan War started – a compromise because a hybrid base is never a real War Base. Luckily Supercell did hear your praises and gave us in last weeks update the possibility to have a complete own layout for Clan Wars (called the War Base Layout), but what is the difference between a hybrid base and a pure trophy base? I would like to give you some hints what you should do with your War Base layout in order to make it even more better suited for your next Clan War.

War Base Edit mode in Clash of Clans to design your base

First of all you can only have the War Base edit mode active while being in a Clan War during Preparation Day – the layout you create will always be available for future Clan Wars even if you are not active, but you can only access it during this period. When going into the War Base edit mode you will see the familiar interface which is the same like in the regular Village edit mode. You can remove buildings, draw walls and rearrange until you save the layout. I took my hybrid base layout and made some modifications.

You can now – thanks to the Multiple Layout Editor – have up to 3 different War Base Designs you can switch around:
Now you can keep different War Base Layouts with the Multiple Layout Editor

With this feature it has gotten much more pleasant to work on the War Base Layout. For this post I took my early 2014 regular base design and just copied it to the War Base Editor:
Hybrid Base Layout before improving the War Base

Heroes in – Storages out

First of all I took my Gold Storages completely outside because in Clan Wars they doesn’t matter at all – if someone takes Elixir, Gold or Dark Elixir while raiding this is generated and not taken from my Elixir so why should I care? In that empty space I placed my Archer Queen and my Barbarian King. I’m not quite sure if this is the final solution because in the old layout they could not have been allured away together but we will see. Unfortunately there is still no real answer to the question if they could be caged inside like I posted a while ago (Keep Heroes in their closet) since there are people telling this works and others telling this doesn’t. Maybe there was some hidden change as well like Supercell did in last weeks update with the resource indication of collectors.
Move Heroes inside your War Base so they can’t get pulled out and killed easily

Attracting the selfish people

Clan War is teamwork but there are still so many selfish people and Town Hall snipers around I somehow want to attract so I put the Dark Elixir Storage completely outside and hope one of them cannot resist on attacking with the intention to get the resources instead of getting 3 stars out of the attack – like mentioned before I don’t have to care about the resources. Instead of that I put my Mortar inside to have a crazy splash damage area inside if someone really pushed hard against my base.
Storage Trapping in your War Base will save your Clan Stars

If you’re not only playing the Storages outside but also place them in the very corner you may save your Clan 1 Star because the attacker runs out of time. This happens to me from time to time and I always hate myself afterwards.
In Clan War the Storages are often unprotected in the corner of the War Base

People telling that having the Storages inside also have a good point – they keep Troops busy while they get shot at. I agree but I would first place 4 Storages outside and then place some inside – you have up to 9 of them.

Fine tuning your War Base

Last step I took all the storages outside and instead out some Cannons inside – I don’t want to completly took all Defenses inside as some outside Defenses are very important to funnel enemy troops. For example the Cannon on the northern side of my base is used to attract Hog Riders who will really suffer when meeting the Giant Bombs next to it. Also the two Cannons on the southern side are important to get Giants into my Spring Traps. The intention is to not give Hog Rider Attacks a clear path to the center of my base and still make them go around a little bit.
Balancing the Defenses in your War Base

I hope this helps you to improve your War Base for your upcoming Clan Wars. If you’re looking for some War Base layouts you should have a look in the Weekly Featured Base Design section here and maybe you want to check out some tactic posts from the Clan War section.


Amnash Anwar

Amnash Anwar is a long time computer geek and a tech enthusiast.He spends all his valuable time for updating technamyite on a daily basis, and all-around Windows, Android, iPhone and Internet Geek.

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