Win Versus Battles Attacking Strategy – Beta Minions ... Winning Versus Battles at Builder Hall 5 and above requires a certain amount of skill ....
Winning Versus Battles at Builder Hall 5 and above requires a certain amount of skill and also a good tactic, even when playing an army that only uses one kind of troops. Mass Beta Minions have always been a thing in Versus Battles and they work across all Builder Hall Level very effectively when done right and that’s what I want to show you now.

Almost half of all attacks I see with my Builder Hall 6 account at roughly 4,000 Trophies are mass Beta Minion attacks and this strategy can get 2-Stars most of the times when the attackers know how to use the Minions correctly in terms of deployment timing.

Beta Minions in Versus Battles

Beta Minions have an ability that allows them to get their first couple shots off from a far distance that allows them to target buildings before they are in the range of a defense – this is the key to success because you will need to time and deploy them right.

When maxed out, you can use up to 40 Beta Minions and the attacks all follow a very simple plan:
  1. Use as few Minions as possible to clear off surrounding buildings
  2. Use the other Minions to clear the path to the Builder Hall & get one of the Crushers down
  3. Send in your Battle Machine to get the Builder Hall down
Unless you are very unlucky and your Minions run into a trap this strategy will get you your 2-Stars and this means often times the victory in the battle.

Common Mistake with Battle Minions

Using one type of troops in Versus Battles doesn’t mean you spam them! When spamming your Beta Minions, you’re doomed to fail because they will either fly into a trap or get victims of the air splash damage of the Air Bomb Factory or the Roaster.
You will need some patience and skill to make this attack work!

How To Win With Beta Minions

The crucial part of your whole attack is the part where you clear off the path to the Builder Hall! Do not focus on getting as much percentage with your Minions, focus on clearing the path for your Battle Machine!

When you’re done, your opponents base should look something like this:
  1. You will need to find a point where your Battle Machine will go through the walls into the base (and not go shopping around it)
  2. Clear off the Crusher in this direction to the Builder Hall, the Crusher along with some Cannon fire can take your Battle Machine down in seconds!
  3. Try to get the Guard Post troops down, they often times distract your Battle Machine and make it go somewhere else!

Wall Entry Point

My own rough rule of thumb is that I have to make sure that outside structures are all cleared on the side of the base where I want the Battle Machine to enter – this makes sure that it will hit the walls and not the outside structures on the other side of the base.

Also, as you cleared off all defenses on this side, do not use your Electric Hammer before the wall piece is destroyed! Why I’m saying this? Well, when you use it directly in front of the wall, it will use all 3 hits to destroy the wall and will not be reloaded fast enough and high damage could take your Battle Machine down.
When using it directly when the wall is destroyed, you make sure that all hits with extra damage go straight for the Builder Hall and destroy it without any doubt.

Crusher & Double Cannons

You have to get one Crusher down or your Battle Machine will be in big trouble! This is your first priority in cleaning and when you have some Minions left, try to get Cannons and Double Cannons in this area down as well!

Guard Post

The Guard Post can be so annoying! In the very second, they will aggro your Battle Machine, the Battle Machine will stop and retarget to them. In some situations, the Battle Machine will walk straight into another section of the base and get shot down too fast before destroying the Builder Hall

Deployment With Beta Minions

I already mentioned that you shouldn’t deploy them in a group, so always use only one single Beta Minion on the outside when there’s no defense that could target it to save up Minions.

When there’s a defense targeting the Minions, send in 3 of them at the same time. If you send them in one by one, the defenses can make full damage on that one Minion – if there are 3 of them, the defenses will target one of them and the other ones will be able to get in one or two extra shots.
You will need to do several attacks with them to get a feeling how many Minions you need to deploy in a given situation but you will get that feeling fast.

Amnash Anwar

Amnash Anwar is a long time computer geek and a tech enthusiast.He spends all his valuable time for updating technamyite on a daily basis, and all-around Windows, Android, iPhone and Internet Geek.

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